“I honestly had no hope until I talked to Golden Rainbow.
This apartment. It means a lot to me. It gave me a chance to breathe. It gave me a chance to go forward with my health.
Thank God for Golden Rainbow.
It gave me the opportunity to come in here . . . And live.”
The need
The key to ending the spread of HIV in southern Nevada is literally . . . a key.
A person living with HIV can, if they stay on their medications and on top of their healthcare plan, essentially reduce the amount of the virus in their bodies to an undetectable status.
Undetectable means un-transmittable. And it means a greater chance at long-term health – a chance to not just live, but to thrive. To live with purpose and dignity and hope.
It means the chance to live as a person, with dignity – not a diagnosis.
The single greatest challenge for people living with HIV, especially those facing financial hardship or ruin, is housing instability.
The stories we hear every day are heartbreaking – people being rejected by family and loved ones, people losing their jobs or ending relationships, people facing the constant struggle just to make ends meet.
The cost of rent and home ownership has skyrocketed. By the time they come to Golden Rainbow, the people we serve have been so focused on basic, day-to-day survival they have not been able to maintain their medication regimen.
All too often we hear stories of their meds being lost or stolen as they’ve moved from place to place, couch surfing or, even worse, living on the streets.
We can change that.
For over 35 years, Golden Rainbow has been providing critically needed emergency assistance to people living with HIV who are facing extreme financial hardship.
Our entire reason for being is to get them the help they need so they can stay on their medication.
You see, the HIV crisis is far from over. It’s easy to forget that today. But even now, in Southern Nevada, hundreds of cases of new HIV infections are reported every year.
And many of those people turn to Golden Rainbow as their last resort for help.
They need us.
And they need you.
A Lifeline to Hope
The Campaign for Golden Rainbow
A bold initiative to care for even more people who desperately need us.
We have the opportunity to purchase an apartment complex of eight, one-bedroom units, providing a safe and secure home for men and women who have nowhere else to turn.
With your help today, we can give them a safe, secure, comfortable place to live. We can give them the chance to breathe and focus on their health while they work to get themselves back to stability.
With your caring generosity, together we can restore their dignity and give them hope for their future.
For many of the people we serve, your gift will be the first light of hope they’ve seen in quite a long time.
The cost for this critically-needed housing is high – $2,000,000.
The cost of leaving these people who just need a place to call their own in order to get their lives back is unthinkable.
Your gift any level will make a tremendous difference towards reaching this urgent, critically-needed goal. We would be pleased and grateful to discuss any options with you, including making a pledge or a gift of stock or as part of your estate. Please click here to reach out to us and we will contact you right away to discuss you how you can be most meaningfully involved.